22 February 2008

They are all sooo high

So last night I hear all this clapping coming from the tv in the basement and I'm like "Oh Christ-on-a-bun, Mom and Dad, enough with the American Idol it is on like 12 hours a week!" But then I ventured down and turns out it was the Democratic debate. How are you supposed to know these things are on? Is there some kind of e-alert I can subscribe to? So I watched while playing a game of PP (ping-pong for you novices.)

My thoughts: Obama...I would. Um, vote for him that is. Anyway, he's totally cutie, nice smile (totally gets his teeth bleached), charmerz. Only recommendation I have is that he possibly get those big ears pinned back, but you know what, the bat ears kind of add to his nerd-sexiness. Also, how skinny is he? Does he have an ED?

Now Hills, I wouldn't vote for her. 1. Her neck is wayyy too saggy, kinda like ball-skin/turkey neck. It is in high contrast to her face. Has she had work done? Don't forget to lift the neck Hillsy! 2. Helmet haircut 3. Shrill voice. Egads. Shrill, twatty twat voice. 4. My friend called while I was watching and we both agreed "How she gonna run the country when she ain't even be keeping her man in check?!"

Then I stopped watching, cuz that shit was on for like 3 hours or something. Although I did hear the moderator utter the phrase "Is it silly season in politics?" and I was like "They are all soo high."

Oh and their outfits. Both so boring I don't remember. You are the liberals not the conservatives, look the part!! I would like to see Obams in a vest and Hills in a tight tube dress. Does she have boobs? I don't even know. That information could influence my vote!

As for the Repubs, I dont follow them at this point. John McCain looks good for his age. May have once been cute. Mike Huckabee has a really cool name, and the uninformed voter will totally go into that booth and vote for the one with the cool name--I know that is what I do for all the local/town elections. So, he kinda has an edge in that aspect...

Til next time,

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